Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sai Kung

On Saturday, we left around 9:30 in the pouring rain and took the minibus down to Central. We then got on another bus that took us to Shun Lei Tsuen where we had dim sum. It was good (mostly)! Then we got on another minibus that took us to Sai Kung. In Sai Kung, Calvin haggled with one of the ladies offering boats, and got us our own little boat out to one of the islands. It was a little more expensive than some of the other boats, but we got to go out on our own instead of waiting for a boat to fill up and they came and got us when we were ready to go back.

We ate our ice cream cones on the way out, it was a hot day!

When we got out there, we walked out to this island on the land bridge that was exposed because it was low tide.

We also spotted this really funny typo/mis-translation on one of the signs giving information about the rocks in the area. It was showing the process of the salt water, weather, and erosion, making these rocks look like a popular bread here called a "pineapple bun." Look closely for the mistake.
This is a real pineapple bun. The name comes from the topping which looks like a pineapple, not because it has any pineapple flavor.
We had a really fun time exploring the tide pools along the land bridge out to the little island. We saw sea urchins, sea cucumbers, crabs, fish, and clams.

It was a beautiful day! The breeze on the ocean felt so good.

Calvin and I decided we wouldn't mind owning one of the many yachts drifting through the harbour.

We also found some coral!

We climbed some really cool rocks right there on the ocean!

Next time I want to go snorkeling here!

I was really relieved when our boat came back to get us :) Calvin assured me he had done this before and that they really do come back and get you.

They just pull their little "junk" boat right up to the pier for you to hop on!

When we got back over to Sai Kung, we took a bus ride out to another area nearby to see a place Calvin had served on his mission. We then met up with some friends we had met at church for pizza in Sai Kung. It was the best pizza! Here in Hong Kong, they have a different idea about what goes on a pizza, but this was a place owned by an Italian-American guy from New York, so it was really good.
On a side note, we saw this Hong-Kong sized fire truck pulling up to an apartment building-it was small!
We had a great day! On the way home, we stopped and bought a hot-plate burner, a pot, and some bowls and spoons so we can cook some more meals here in our room. We already have a refrigerator and a thing that boils water, but nothing else to really help us cook. We also stopped at a grocery store to get some food. It will be nice!
P.S. Leave us some comments and let us know who is reading the blog! I hope this lets you share in our adventure. We love and miss all our family and friends!


Heidi said...

I love seeing and hearing about all your adventures! Love, Mom

Ryan and Megan said...

I have been enjoying the HK updates!

Katie Nicole said...

Love reading about your adventures in Hong Kong! :)

Carrie said...

Jeff and I went to Dim Sum here in SLC with a Chinese friend of ours. He took us for "authentic" Chinese food. I was surprised, much better than I thought it would be!

Brooklyn Kay said...

I read your blog every chance I get. I think you should be a writer. Keep it up. It is fun to see all you are doing and experiencing. On the other hand, I just count every day until you are home and helping the business again.

Love you!


Marian said...

Ashton, I look forward to hearing more about your trip when you come back, but it's fun to see what you are up to now!

Sharlyn said...

I've been reading about your adventures (I see when you have an update through Carrie's blog). What a neat experience for your little family.
P.S. Carrie told me you did the 18 hour flight to Hong Kong with Camden ALONE! You are one brave woman! I did that flight when I was 18, buy myself and it was long, I can't imagine with a are my hero! :)

Lizzy said...

I love seeing your updates, it looks so amazing! Especially to me who has never been out of the country before :)