Sunday, January 10, 2010

We're Back in North Carolina!

Wow! We've been to Utah, Idaho, through Oregon, to Nevada, back to Utah, and we're now back in North Carolina! We had such a great time visiting family and friends. I'm sad I got so behind on updating my blog! What I am going to do is go through and make posts about each of the activities we did, rather than making one gigantic post (although be warned, this is one is pretty long!).

The first week, Camden and I spent time with my family while Calvin was in North Carolina studying and taking finals. It was hard to leave him with such a tough week, but in the end, I think it was best for him to have less distractions. We were so happy when he was finally done and got to come out to Utah too!

At my parents' house, Camden loved playing outside in the snow and seeing all the animals. He said "meow" to the cats and "moo" to the cows and horses. He got to wear an old snow suit that Emily and Brooklyn used to wear. We also bought him his own pair of snow boots. He loved to say, "boot, boot."

If Tiger was in the house, Camden would find him. He loved playing with Tiger-sometimes a little more than Tiger appreciated. Tiger has this hiding spot in the drawer under the dryer and Camden saw him in there once. After that, he would just go to the dryer, and say, meow meow, and pull it open to see if Tiger was in there. He is one smart boy!

During the week, we went down to Provo to see Amy and Emily and give them a break from classes. We went to the Sky Room for lunch. On Friday night, we went to the Farmington 14th ward Christmas Party. The decorations and desserts were great! We had fun watching talents from different people in the ward, and at the end, the bishopric put on a skit. My dad pulled some awesome dance moves!

I was so excited that we got to see Brooklyn off to the Christmas Dance on Saturday night! She looked so pretty in her dress (thanks Carrie!) and Sierra did a great job with her hair. Love you Brooky!

On Sunday, we went to the Eggett Christmas Party at the Jeep Posse Building in Bountiful. Camden got to meet Santa! Over the holidays, he learned how to say "Santa." He was mostly shy, but at least no crying happened!

So there it is! The first week of our vacation (and Calvin's week of finals). Look for more to come!

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